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Neuer Zirkus, kurze Stücke

New Circus, Short Pieces
Ruhrfestspiele presents two short pieces by up-and-coming circus performers in one evening. Discover the circus of tomorrow!

Questions to The Endless (Work in Progress) by Laurence Felber, Switzerland
How do we know a performance has started? Have you ever seen a trapeze? What does one expect of a performance? What does one do with a trapeze? As the title suggests, “Questions to The Endless” is designed to challenge our basic assumptions about acrobatic performances. Swiss artist Laurence Felber poses several questions to the trapeze, the audience, the universe. The trapeze artist and graphic designer blends circus, visual art, and language into a multifaceted performance/exhibition/art installation that reflects her manifold talents. The audience is invited to explore this piece of art in all its complexities. Prepare for an unforgettable theatrical experience that juggles humor, acrobatic prowess, and existential questions of the human condition.

Brace for Impact by Knot on Hands, Netherlands / Belgium / Germany
“Brace for Impact” is the emergency instruction for plane passengers in case of a crash-landing. Knot on Hands do not face a life-threatening situation in their latest production, but they explore the impact of gravity, balance, and centrifugal power on human bodies. The three performers move through the theatrical space to fathom the (im)possibilities of acrobatics. They put their fate into each other’s hands to investigate the power balance of their trio. Can three people reach a state of equilibrium or will they topple over the edge? “Brace for Impact” is Knot on Hands’ first production. The show already won several awards and emerged as an audience favorite at numerous festivals.

Duration: 1h 0m