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WHY Marcello Magni Foto Pascal Gely WHY Marcello Magni Foto Pascal Gely
WHY Marcello Magni Foto Pascal Gely


Text and stage direction: Peter Brook and Marie-Hélène Estienne

German premiere

Peter Brook’s latest production asks a deceptively simple yet incredibly tricky question: Why? The 95-year-old theatrical genius takes this question to investigate the role of theatre in today’s society. Why theatre? What’s it for? What is it about?

Joined by his long-standing collaborator Marie-Hélène Estienne and a fantastic ensemble, Brooks invites his audience on a dramatic and joyful journey. “Theatre is a very dangerous weapon.” Inspired by these words of the creative and innovative Russian director Vsevolod Meyerhold, actors Kathryn Hunter, Hayley Carmichael, and Marcello Magni will unfold a very human story, both dramatic and comic.

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WHY 03 Foto Simon Annand
Foto: Simon Annand
WHY 04 Foto Pascal Gely
Foto: Pascal Gely

Production C.I.C.T. – Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord; Co-production: Theatre for a New Audience New York, Grotowski Institute Breslau, National Performing Arts Center Taiwan, R.O.C. National Taichung Theater, Centro Dramatico Nacional Madrid, Teatro Dimitri Verscio, Théâtre Firmin Gémier La Piscine, Freundeskreis des Bouffes du Nord.

Duration: 1h 0m